Basically of my life as I see it and remember it.
Definitions of a Memoir:
A notice of something remembered or deemed noteworthy:
An account of transactions or events written familiarly.
A biographical notice or autobiography
Recollections of one's life
Worthy to be remembered
A brief entry in a diary
A written representation of facts made to a person
To cause to be remembered; to record;to hand down to memory by writing.
The power,capacity, or faculty of the mind by which it retains the knowledge of past events or ideas; that faculty which enables us to treasure up and preserve for future use the knowledge which we acquire.
Recollection and remembrance are exercises of the faculty memory,the former being a calling to mind, the latter a holding in mind; while reminiscence always, and recollections often, are used of the thing remembered.
The above provided by the New Webster Encyclopedic Dictionary.
I provided this as a way of explanation of this blog. What someone gleans from my memoirs, be it helpful or just entertaining is purely personal on their part. I am not some kind of monitor to everyone else's life. In other words it's not my place to tell anyone what they should or should not do. I can only control and answer for my life. If I choose to share my memories on line, and I felt this was a wonderful way to reach many people, not just one person, then I have the freedom to do so.{And just for the record- there have been people who have conveyed to me how much they enjoy reading this blog}
Someone was thinking, I wrote all this just for her, against her, to show her in a bad light?
When will you wake up, and realize, what I do, say ,think, feel does not revolve around you. Neither do I need you to tell me what I can or can't do. I did not ask you to monitor me or my life.
What I do, say, think, feel, where I go, choose to do or not do, is not up to you. Never has been, never will be your call.
I would think you would have better things to do, then to continually criticize me.
At the start, you jumped right in with negative remarks, and you continue in the same vein.
Is it so very hard to say something nice? Or at least try to convey your remarks in a more positive way. Must you tear everything apart, to suit your fancy?
So far I have not done this to you {and don't go looking for what you think is the same as you have done to me, as you have so far not asked a single question about anything you have read on this site. By way of explanation, you might have found out something completely different then what you thought.}
You are not my judge, jury,confessor,confidant, or do you even know me. I asked for a year, I got a short six months. A lot has changed sense then. You asked about none of that, nor anything else for that matter.
You have offered me nothing but to criticize what, how, and when I do anything, and it's not even your call.
This is why I have kept my distance.
I wanted something better, with more meaning, between us.
I told you once, life that is in the past, has been lived and cannot be wiped away just because you don't care to look at it, or face it.
I can live and be and do as I see fit, just as you may do the same for you.
I never tell anyone they have to do as I say, and that applies to you as well. I have told you many times, if there is something I share with you that you find of use, then I'm glad, use it if you so choose." I can tell you what I think, what you do with it is up to you."
I do not conjure up some kind of illusion, and tell everyone it's a rule they should follow.
This is no confessional. And you only dwelt on what you perceived to be a " communication of frustration," and your judgment of giving people the wrong idea.
Who asked you to judge me?
As I have told people read, enjoy, if it helps you or enlightens you in some way, then I am glad I shared my MEMOIRs. Because I do not have the ability {nor care to for that matter} to monitor everyone who comes and reads what I write, neither am I responsible for what they think.
Writers, write stories real and imaginary every day and they are published, and read by many people. How can you possibly apply your ideas to these people? It doesn't wash, and it doesn't apply to me either. It's your own personal idea about writing, not any kind of rule everyone should apply to their selves.
For the rest of you, As I have stated before, I am sharing the benefit of my knowledge, my personal understanding of what my life has been as well as what I have learned. If it helps you I'm glad, if you enjoyed reading this, I hope it went a long way toward a better day for you.
My memoirs are here for you to read, and I for one will not judge you, for your opinions.
We share one common thing.... the freedom to do as we see fit. In other wards, the freedom to decide.
I choose the road less traveled by.
May the road you choose suit your hearts desire.
I lay no claim to being anything other then what I am, and my life has been full at times distracting. But I have achieved many, many things of note. I do not feel the need to drag them all out to display them in front of you as a way of proving how great I am. I am just me, old fashioned, down to earth, and straight from the heart.
To everyone who has read this, this will be the last time I will address this issue.
I have other things I prefer to talk about here. Thank you for your indulgence. I hope I haven't wasted your time, as I am sure I have wasted mine.
May your life's story be worthy of at least a footnote in heaven.
Blessings be,