Sunday, September 7, 2008

The Dresden Plate

Just a quick note. I have left my Dresden plate quilt with a lady to have it machine quilted. I was pleased to hear she not only liked it, but even complemented me on my work.
  I have chosen an acorn and oak leaf pattern to be used to quilt the top to the bottom. The center of the plate will have the acorn and the oak leaves will spiral outwards from there into the plate color changes. There will also be the oak leaf and acorn motif in the border. I am excited to see it finished. You will be able to see the design on the back as it is a solid white.
  I like acorns and oak leaves. Just a fancy of mine. So when I get it back in a month or so, I'll post pictures so you can see. Now I can move on to my French nosegay quilt, and a couple of smaller ones.

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