Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Do I sound distracted?

In a way I guess I am. It snowed again last night, and After getting the Belkin up and running I can't wait till tonight, so I can get the laptop doing it's thing. I can watch TV again. Yaaaa!
On top of that I am designing a new outfit for my Cissy, and it is taking some redesigning to make it work right. Then I'm also working on a red and black gown for me. I had to stop long enough to cut lining for it, and now I can finish the black under dress. It can be worn with a couple of different things, along with the red overdress. Lots of handwork for the over dress when I get to it and get it all sewn.
  I'm also trying to figure out how to run Dreamweaver, as I'm working on my website as well. So, yes... I am distracted. But there is an equal amount of things stacked up behind this lot, so I need to get done, and move on.
  One of the best ways to clearing the deck, is to get things into the bite size pieces you can handle. That way you don't get overloaded on any one thing. If you need to, make a list that is broken down into the parts you need to work with, and then list what you need to finish. You can check them off as you go, and that is another way to keep things moving.  You feel like you're completing something, even if you still have a lot to do on that project. I keep several things working at the same time and move from this to that. I don't get bored with any one thing that way. Often I have more then one project finish at the same time. Its kind of fun seeing it all come together.
  And just remember.
 "Where there is a will, there is a way!"
 If you want to do it, then you will find a way to do it. Suffice to say, if you really didn't want to do it in the first place, it will never get done.
Here's to your projects. May they be happy ones, that complete you, or your desires.

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