Monday, March 10, 2008

They're smarter then you think!

Anyone who ever thought an animal was dumb, should back up and regroup. If you fit in that category, your half a bubble off plumb {as the saying goes}. I was talking to a friend of mine, just a couple of days ago, on the phone. We were discussing cats that play fetch. Yes, there are such critters, but I've only seen one before.
  A couple of hours after that phone call, my little black Smoky {he's only about 7 months or so old} jumped up on the bed and dropped his little furry pretend mouse in my lap. I didn't pay much attention. But when I looked up at him a few minutes later, he had this look on his little kitty face like "OK... so throw it now already!"
  I tossed it off into the other room, and went back to sewing. A minute later, he was back and again dropped his mouse in my lap, backed up a couple of steps, and waited. That look again.
  OK, so you don't have to hit me over the head with a couple of bricks. I get it. This time I threw it off into the hall. And he was launching himself off the end of the bed, flat out, and landing halfway down the hall. He went at it until he couldn't run any more, and laid down to pant, happy as a clam, and oh so proud of himself.
  Why is this so special? He'd never done it before.
I really believe he was listening in on my conversation and was showing me how well he could play that game. The other little kitty {his sister, Tiger} doesn't play the game. If she can get the mouse, she runs off with it. What a woe begone little black cat, smoky is, if he can't get it away from her. But he usually does one way or another. Then he's back dropping his mouse in my lap, and waiting for me to throw it.
  If we could be like that cat, and be happy just doing something so simple, how much easier life would be. Isn't that what the phrase "stop to smell the roses" is all about? So the moral to this story is... if you don't like roses, chase a mouse. Just find something simple to enjoy. Not expensive, not fancy, not even intricate or involved, just something nice you can enjoy for that few minuets, out of your busy day.
Until next time,
Blessing be upon you,

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