Monday, March 10, 2008

An old, old saying!

"Use it up,
Wear it out,
Make it do, 
Or do without."

Ever hear that one before? In the earlier part of the 1900s it was used a lot. Right after the second world war, when there was so little of everything, one heard it often.  I wonder what happened to such good old common sense? Have we changed into such a throw away society that no one uses common sense any more? I see such waste!
  Who says we have so much it doesn't matter if you throw it away before it's reached its prime?Like your grandmother and grandfather, when they are gone, their gone! The big businesses are so hungry for money, they purposely make appliances that wear out in 2 to 3 years. They want you back sooner, so your money can be theirs.
  What happened to the meaning of that old saying? Is it lost or just hiding under a bush, waiting for the next big crash? How much worse off will we be, when it does happen? In 2 to 3 years everything wears out and you will have nothing that works, runs, or will hold together. On top of that, all our businesses will be based overseas, and unable to import. No farmers left to grow the food, no mom and pop stores, with that friendly face that cares, and house after house up for sale, because no-one can make the payments.
 No-one knows how to sew, grow a garden, or make bread by hand. Slums will be bigger, uglier and more dangerous then you or I can imagine.
  I'm glad I'm getting old, because I really don't want to see any of this. In the 1950s we played barefoot in the rain, caught fireflies at night, and went to sleep believing one could wish upon a star, and it just might come true.
  Today,no-one's happy unless they are famous, rich, or has more then their neighbor. Is that really what it takes? Can't one just be themselves without all that better then thou stuff? Or are we so afraid to look in the mirror and see ourselves just as we really are?
  Moral of this story... face it, embrace it, use it, or lose it.
As for me, I see every line, wrinkle, and gray hair. Of course when the girls got flat as pancakes I really started to wonder about old age. Oh well, we aren't going to stay perky forever, and I kind of like living in this old shell. I know it better then anything else, and it's just me, my thoughts, my ideas. Your welcome to yours as well.
Until next time,
Blessing be upon you,

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