Saturday, March 8, 2008

I bet your wondering....

So, I'll bet your wondering, who is this person? The answer... no-one special, just a little old lady sharing some Victorian advice.
Like the antique furniture I just had refinished and re-covered, something left over from a time gone by. And by the way, I still use that furniture and it's over 150 years old. That's saying something. If they made furniture to last 150 years, then their advice can't all be half bad either. So read on and see what it's all about.
I'm not over a hundred... yet. But my dad and I are in a race to see who lasts the longest. He's got 20 years or so, on me, and happy as a clam. Good for you dad, I should be so lucky. I'm still trying to get use to "Do something for you, now". When you were raised to not feel good about doing anything for yourself first, it takes some getting use to. One feels guilty, and yet today, it seems everyone puts themselves first. Forget about the other guy, I want mine now. What happened to "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"? It seems that went out with yesterday's bath water, and it wouldn't surprise me none, to see they threw out the baby as well. Of course they won't notice it until they look for it. By then it's long to late.
Every feel like you were to late for something? Not just the concert tickets, or that dress you admired, but something just out of reach? Something important. I've spent half my life looking for that something important, and the conclusion is... it's out there, and more then likely you don't really want to know after all.
I'm not looking anymore. Better things to do, bigger fish to fry... whatever is your particular phrase to describe what's going on, I think I'll find that fast lane that accepts walkers as the speed limit. Find me the off ramp it's past sundown, and I don't have head lights anymore. The girls went south.
{ I'll bet you got a picture worth a thousand words out of that one. lol.}
So until next time,
Blessings be upon you,

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