Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Burning the Midnight Oil

  Ever wonder where that phrase came from? It certainly calls it like it is.  I don't know how many nights I have been up way into and past the midnight hour, and certainly burning that midnight oil. Of course nowadays it's call electricity. But one burns it just the same.
  Which brings me to that question. Are you a night owl, or a morning lark? Most night owls burn that oil at night, but very few larks do. It can be difficult meeting up these two differently geared people. I am a night owl, spend many a night up late, but as I get older I tend to be getting up earlier as well. So there just isn't much sleep there at all. Who needs it?
  One thing I have found about the midnight oil, is that I think clearer at that time of night for some reason. I'm more creative, cover more ground and work out more problems then at any other time. I have even been seen to be cleaning house at that time of night. So what is it that tends to make the differences between the two? I'm sorry, I haven't a clue. I only know that there is a difference. And it tend to work for me best at night.
  I don't think it really matters about the two, except sometimes no matter how hard you try you just can't quite make the other person understand you. And you don't quite understand them.
  I have often wondered if there was a special time of day or night, where all the powers that be seem to have everything flowing in the right direction for whomever chooses to tap into it. I know there have been times that I just seemed to connect into something where all the answers were, and all the ideas could be found, and the creativity was piled around like so many jewels waiting for someone to pick them up. I help myself when this happens, and it happens ever so  often in that magical midnight oil time.

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