Tuesday, September 29, 2015

The Last rose of summer…..

One last red rose bloomed. Against a backdrop of leaves in a riot of color, it stands out reminding us another summer is at an end.

The rose hips are not quite a deep red.

And the leaves are putting on a show. One tree in yellow and the other flaming red, they provide a fall fashion show next to the koi pond.

High up in the top of the choke berry trees, the last of the brilliant red berries seem to be holding on to their thorn spiked branches. It's as if they mimic my very thoughts of just one more day of sunshine before the snow flies, and winter arrives in all it's ice and snow.

Not to many left up there, but the trees produced a lot of berries, of which I did share out around nine gallons. I put another 8 or so in my freezer, and have picked smaller and smaller bowls full every time I go out to walk in the garden. I really believe those trees tried to keep me out of reach of the berries, as my hair tie was pulled off twice in one day, and I have more scratches then any time in the past. lol.
  Aren't the berries a beautiful red?

Others said they tasted really good.
I felt it was the right things to do to share what nature had given me so bountifully.

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