Monday, October 4, 2010


Last but not least on this day's tour was Stonehenge. I really did walk among the stones. You couldn't touch them, but there I was non the less, standing where I never thought I would ever stand. Right in the middle of the stones, and then I was all around the center, taking pictures. Many had other people in them because we were allowed in 23 at a time for 25 minutes. But I did manage to get many shots with no-one in them. I have over 100 pictures, so again I can't, and wouldn't anyway, share all of them as this turned out to be very personal for me. I felt a deep resonance within the stone circle, that even now I can still feel. I will be forever glad I was able to make this tour. So if they tell you, or someone says, I wasn't there..... Here are the pictures to prove I was.
  We were there at sunset, and it had been raining part of the day. The wind was blowing and it was cold out there. But it was worth it.

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