Thursday, October 7, 2010

Finding the Silver lining

For sometime now I have been getting "glimmering", of new ideas and designs and a few whole new directions to go in. Then it dawned on me, why I am happiest when I'm creating. At that time, in that space, I don't need anyone else's approval. What I make or create, is only responsive to me. What I like or how I like something to look, I have the say on what is used and what is discarded. I don't need a bunch of people sitting around telling me what looks best, and that frees me to be as creative as I can be. And then, as I do like to share what I create, if others enjoy it, than all good, and wonderful. If they don't, then they can go and do their thing.
   It reminds me of the one year at a craft sale I was at, watching two little old ladies walking around, and "judging" what they saw. Mostly they were telling each other, "Oh I can go home and make that." But what would you like to bet they never did?
  The art of being creative, be it simple, or involved, is something special, not to be ignored or put down. Shared... yes every time we open our "door" to show someone what we have made, created, or designed, and each persons creation is unique and special.
  I find it very distasteful when one person takes over, and then tells the others {be it openly or in private emails} to ignore what someone has done because it's not correct or whatever terminology she cares to use. But what that boils down to is control, crowd mentality, destroying the creative spirit. All I can say is shame on you, if your guilty of this and far worse, trying to "kill" off your competition so you won't have to compete. Where this will leave you eventually is stagnate, uncreative, and lacking in forward thinking and involvement in new skills, as well as being just plain behind the times.
  I've seen what people become when they have no-one to challenge their thinking process. It becomes very one sided. You don't have to agree with the other person, but for pity sake, are you so desperate you have to resort to such tactics?
  I'm not in business, nor do I plan on ever being in business. What time I have left is for sharing what I have learned, gleaned, or created, and that is my right, no matter what you have to say.
  If others follow your suit, then they can miss out on whatever I can share from a life time of learning, and creating as well, and I'm not sorry about that as I think they are sheep following a goat. Someday, they just might wish they had been a bit less... stupid. Sorry but you call a spade a spade.
  Anyway, when next someone tries to share something with you, be a bit more open. And look a little closer at what is offered. It's called "finding the silver lining".

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