Wednesday, September 29, 2010


First on the Saturday tour was Bath. I departed from the main group so I could see the fashion museum and after getting there found a really special surprise.
  Again, I was shooting though glass and couldn't use the flash,so some are not as bright as I would have liked. However, most came out alright. With over 60 pictures, I can't list them all. Here are a few.

The last three above are Lady Diana's gowns. They had a few on display.
  The coming out of the museum I went into another room separate from the other. They were having a vintage fair. I couldn't believe my luck. They had clothes, jewelry, lace, and lots of different things. I spent some money here, as you can imagine and counted it well worth what was spent. I came home with some wonderful vintage laces, and some real jet beads that will surely end up on one of my doll's dresses. And even a fluffy white, wired feather. How often does this happen? Not often enough I think.
  I was later to realize some of the laces looked a lot like Irish crochet.
  Once I torn myself away, I sped off down to meet back up with the tour group {I didn't want to miss the best part}. I'll post pictures later about the roman baths.

  Enjoy the dresses.

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